
Dear Asher,

I love you! I love how you make me laugh. I love how happy you are almost all the time. You do throw an occasional tantrum and that's okay. We understand. I love how you love cereal. You are a cereal connoisseur. When we visit someone else's home, you notice what cereal they may have on top of their fridge and remind me that we haven't bought that kind in a long time. You would eat it for breakfast, morning snack and afternoon snack if I let you- which I do often.

You love learning and when I praise you for making a beautiful "n"- which you did the other day- you beam with pride. You memorized the book "I will surprise my friend" by Mo Williems and you laugh at every page. When we are done reading it you say "again! again!" like it's some kind of roller coaster ride and I love that a book can make you feel that same kind of joy.

You are my youngest child, and as such I get to spend the most time with you. I love when you are with me and when I get to spend time with you. I don't mind when you are at preschool, because I know you are having fun. We signed you up for t-ball this year and we'll see how that goes! You love going to Church and taking your scriptures along. And you love the treats at Family Home Evening.

Asher, I love you. You are my special, little boy.



***on another note: Elizabeth's EEG came back normal but they have ordered a 24 hr EEG and a Brain MRI just to be completely sure.

***Also, I happily told Josh that I took my last lithium Tuesday night. I've been reducing it for a week now and was hoping that I would be symptom free. Not so much. I get daily headaches and yesterday I had the strongest urges to buy something. Anything. Needless to say I came home with a pair of silver/pink sketchers which I did kind of need. I am terrified of being manic. I have had 2 nightmares where I am manic- I am writing and writing and writing and can't stop or I keep talking and talking and talking and can't stop. It's weird having a disorder that can control what you think and what you say and you seem powerless to stop it.

Needless to say, I am trying to be vigilant in exercise (usually), eating healthy (usually), not going to the store or doing things that are stimulating. So, if my writing takes a crazy turn of late- now you know why!


Anonymous said…
Hey! It's been so fun to read your little love letters to the kiddos this week! They are such sweetie pies! Good luck with the lithium decrease. I didn't know you were thinking of getting off of it. Those Skechers sound cute! Love ya!