10 years of knowing you

Dear Josh,

We met ten years ago today. I know you remember because I reminded you last night and this morning. Plus you mentioned something last week. Ten years ago today I went to my Molly's first baby's blessing. I missed Stake Conference but it was touching to see Anna be blessed and hear Doug and Molly bear their testimonies about the beauty of having a family. I wasn't dating anyone and knew that I better get a move on.

Coming home, I probably napped and woke up to find my roommate throwing a surprise birthday party for her friend. People came over and I was in the kitchen near the cake. You came over and I asked your name. Josh. Megan. We did the normal intro. Where we're from. What our major is. Yours was math. Not so cool with me. I hated math. Except Calculus, which I loved. Little did I know that I would truly appreciate your love of math as you sat at the kitchen island teaching our 8 year old about coordinates or some other math which I don't really like.

That was that and you sat over on the couch, eating your cake and talking. The lamp shone on your blonde hair and I thought "I gotta get to know this guy more." Fast forward several hours and I found myself hanging out with some friends in your apartment while they played cards. It was getting late and you came home. I had no idea it was your apartment and was surprised to see you. I made a joke and you said something about red heads being funny and I claimed that for sure I was not a red head. I said something in Spanish and that piqued your interest, as well as the fact that I served a mission. I guess I try to crack jokes and speak Spanish when I'm nervous. We went out on our first date five days later and kept going from there.

And here we are today. Maryland. 4 kids, including twins, 1 fish, 1 house, 2 cars, a few illnesses to keep us on our toes. Who knew 10 years could accomplish all of that?

I love you,



Joanie said…
Love it! Yes..so much can happen in 10 years!!!! I too still remember the day we met Josh when he was picking you up for a date at 9pm to go to a museum. I liked him right away! (Dad and I were visiting Provo at the time.)
i LOVED reading this. It put a smile to my face. Cute :)