New Years Resolutions '11

via Pioneer Woman

I love the scripture that says Jesus grew in wisdom and strength, in favor with God and man. Every year or even every season- Fall, Winter, Summer- I like to set goals in each of these categories. I've mentioned my Sunday Planning on here before and my goals go right along with that. Every Sunday, I go over my list of goals and see how I'm doing. Here are a few of my goals for 2011:

Intellectual- Read 1 book a month and attend Book Club as often as possible.

Physical- Run a 10k (and train as well).

Spiritual- Attend the temple once a month.

Social- Go on a date with Josh once a week and go to MOMS club at least once a month.

And learning everything I can about JOY.

This is my blog. My name is Megan A.
