When life throws you a curve...

Josh brought home his copy of CM- the Clark Memorandum, the J. Reuben Clark Law School's magazine. I read the one from BYU's school of education and loved it. He suggested that I read it. I brushed the idea off and plopped it onto the coffee table. Yesterday afternoon as I lay sick on the couch with a rough throat, I reached for the nearest thing and found myself reading from it's pages, turning them one by one, forgetting my sore throat and splitting headache- feeling the light of understanding break through any physical pain I might have had.

My favorite article was entitled "How Shall This Be?" by Jane H. Wise, a talk given as part of the Spirit in the Law Series at the Law School in 2003. It spoke of how God works in miraculous ways, changing people's lives- often in surprising ways we never would have imagined.


-A young girl, betrothed to her beloved, being told she would bear a child and his name would be Jesus.

-An old woman, bearing a son in her old age.

-Being married for a short nine months when your husband turns to you and says he no longer loves you, nor really did love you and leaves you with a divorce and lots of credit card debt.

-Dealing with Depression and then being told it was Manic-Depressive Disorder.

-Finding out that your 12 month old daughter is sick and losing her to that illness at the age of 16 months old.

-Expecting to give birth to a beautiful baby, only to have the baby pass away 2 days before the due date.

-Praying about your marriage and the answer being to leave. When you have several children.

Sometimes the circumstances come about because of life's treacherous mortal existence. Sometimes it is through our sin or the sin of others. Sometimes it is God's will. In any way, God steps in and gives us comfort to allow us to be at peace when our world is shaken and we lay in bed at night wondering "What next, Lord?" When...

-Your Aunt and Uncle separate after more than 30 years of raising a family together.

-Your child is diagnosed with several disabilities.

-You become pregnant. With twins.

Life is never the same again. Christ died and suffered that we may live again and it is through Him, that our lives can be renewed and joy can found once again, even in this new path now etched out in the pathway of our lives.

This is my blog. My name is Megan A.
