Soccer and Seneca Creek Park

Here is Ethan at his first soccer game ever. He didn't want me to take his picture. Can't you tell?

First time soccer Mom here. Glad we found a coach- finally- didn't want to do that one! Can you spot the Abbott in the picture? Needless to say, the coach played the bigger, more experienced kids more than mine. I made sure Josh told him at the next game to play them at least the two required quarters. C'mon, coach! Put my kids in! Maybe I should have been coach- as I would have played them most of the time! ;)

Josh and Elizabeth. They were having a serious discussion, so pardon the serious faces. Josh is growing a beard, btw- for Halloween!- more pics to follow.

Jonah and Asher being cute!

Asher actually fell down, scrapped up his hands pretty bad- which later got infected and had to be drained by the Dr. and he had to be put on anti-biotics as well. He was happy after a lollipop from my first aid kit though.

What a beautiful sunset! At 6:30 pm!

Josh took this shot of me. Love the background!



Unknown said…
Cute pic meg! Fun times! Love the idea of having a lollipop in your first aid kit - have to go update mine now!
You look beautiful, Megan!

No pics of Ashers' hands though?
Hilary said…
gorgeous sunset picture!