Jane and Richard Eyre Fireside 9/5/10

On Sunday, Sept. 5, 2010, I had the opportunity to go to a Parenting Fireside given by Jane and Richard Eyre at the Visitors Center of the Washington D.C. Temple.

I first discovered Jane and Richard Eyre when I joined a Joy School co-op in 2007 and was introduced to them through their Joy School Website at
www.valuesparenting.com. Each month they would send out a Parenting newsletter for us Joy School Parents and I loved learning about Parenting with a Gospel Perspective.

Jane and Richard Eyre have nine children, have written many books on Parenting and spearhead the Joy School program. I've been reading their newsletters for almost 3 years now so when I heard they were coming to the D.C. area and speaking at a Fireside I was so exicted! I even made a facebook event page for it. Crazy, huh?

Well, the day came and I went. It turns out the Eyres were in town to visit one of their sons- Eli- who lives near D.C. and were willing to speak to us as long as they were in town. They both spoke together, speaking about what the needs are currently in Parenting. Brother Eyre spoke about how he feels every Parent needs to listen to the Spirit to receive revelation for their children. Sister Eyre spoke about how Parents need to learn about Entitlement. Here are a few of the main points I got from the Fireside:

1. Deal with our children how our Heavenly Father deals with us: patience, love, understanding.

2. If you have little children in your home, you have JOY. (How true is that? I love how Asher and all my little ones make me laugh and want to just play)

3. Little kids can memorize little scriptures. We're working on memorizing our lines for the Primary Program.

4. We should ask them what they learned at Church/in Primary. You can hold a family testimony mtg. each Fast Sunday (good idea!). We can have a Parent/Teacher Conference with their Primary Teachers as you would do with school teachers.

5. Upgrade Family Home Evening, Upgrade Scripture Study, Upgrade Family Prayer. We can do everything a little bit better!

6. They said "I promise you will receive the most direct and responsive answers you've ever received if you pray-'Heavenly Father, you sent me this child- how can I help him/her with ________ (such and such)' "

7. Analyze the problem, take it to the Lord and listen for His answer, you should spend 40% of the time you pray listening for a response.

8. As LDS Parents we have Eternal Perspective, Stewardship Prayer, the Model of Supreme Parent and his Plan of Salvation, a back-up system- the Church and Jesus Christ.

Good luck in all your Parenting endeavors!

This is my blog. My name is Megan A.
