
Every year we like to go camping. Somehow we missed last year, so I was convinced that we needed to go this year. Plus, I'm not hugely pregnant, as I have been a few times in the past. That always makes sleeping in a tent a little more rougher than usual. I am "joyful" though and woke up very early and finished the night off in the van. Josh didn't even worry about where I was, I wake up early so often and go on mini adventures without him.

We got there a little late- 7 pm- to be exact and by the time we got a fire going and the tent (which was borrowed so new to us and huge and lovely) mostly up, it was pitch black. Next year I will be going up early to set up the tent myself. Maybe. We ate half frozen, half cooked hot dogs, grapes, ginger ale and for dessert- huge campfire marshmallows with chocolate and graham crackers. The marshmallows were so huge, they oozed out of the half squares of graham. I read the package. One marshmallow to one whole chocolate bar and two graham crackers. Oops.

The kids slept marvelously and woke up at 7 am- not too bad for a camping trip. We hiked in the am and I forgot our camping stove. Luckily, we put a pot of water to boil for oatmeal on top the fire and that worked wonderfully. Thanks, Little Bennett campground, for a lovely camping trip.


p.s. Did you hear Verizon's getting the i-phone? So excited!!! Josh turns to me and says "should I get one?" I want one too! We may both have to get one. (not really, but a woman can dream, can't she?)


Prem Saisha said…
Hi there!
New follower..
Hope you stop by too.. ;)
Unknown said…
Hey there! Fun camping times! WE have tried to go this year with no luck so far! Ugh maybe next year we will have to make it up!