In the kitchen...

This is my very first cooking blog post. Well, at least the first one that I can ever remember, so I think that counts. Guess what I am making today in my kitchen, on my IKEA island? Wait for it... wait for it.... TRAIL MIX! Ta-da! If I am excited about cooking something it is usually sweet: my favorite go to's are chocolate chip cookies, banana bread with a lemon glaze, cinnamon rolls when I have the patience to wait the full 2 1/2 hours they take to make and anything chocolate. Follow the above pictures and you will get a yummy snack in no time.


Go to Sams Club, buy plain m and m's and a can of peanuts (next time don't choose the salty ones- too much salt), since you already have some almonds and raisins. Put 3 equal cups of each, or add one more of your favorite, into a 9 x 13 pan. Mix with your hands to your hearts content. Scoop seven cups into your cute Ikea tupperware and place the rest in a big plastic bag and then into your car in the glove department where the little kiddies will not see in until needed!

My little kiddie- Asher- was watching an episode of Backyardigans (as tv watching is my activity of choice for the kids whenever I set foot in the kitchen with food) while I tried to sneak past him into the garage. He glimpsed the flash from the shiny red, blue and yellow candies and yelled "What do you have there?" I had to give him a sample. And yes, what he is holding is one of those plastic cups you dye Easter eggs in. Because I'm going green. No more plastic baggies to hold snacks in for me! Enjoy!

On a completely different note, come March 2011, I am going to be an Aunt, again! My twin sister Molly is 13 weeks along and doing swimmingly. Hopefully she will find out what she is having this time, because last time she didn't and after the birth all I got was a telephone message with a "Molly had her baby! It's a.... call us back!" It was a Sunday and I had to wait a full three hours until everyone came home from Church that day to hear she was having a girl! Congrats, Molly!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
