Last leg of our California Trip

During the last three days of our trip to California we visited my hometown of Victorville, CA. It was amazing to see how much has changed in the 14 years that I left home (doesn't that date me?) My neighborhood has gone from one of stable income to poverty. The city pays it's residents $50 for every 5 square feet of grass they convert to gravel or concrete. This is an effort to conserve water. I guess a lot of people needed the money, because a lot of neighbors have rocks, dirt or junk for their yard. I'm glad my Parents haven't caved in to that culture. I took a few pictures of those yards which I may post later. Pictured above is my Mom, Joanie, and Elizabeth at good ole' Hook Park where we hung out all the time and my initials may or may not be engraved on the sidewalk somewhere. The Jr. High is just around the corner.

All four kids in the gorgeous back yard my Dad works so lovingly at. I was trying to get a picture of Ethan and Jonah wearing matching shirts, but they were too excited to go play in the yard and on the bike that they couldn't stand still. Can't blame them. There's an apricot tree in the back that was divine! An apple and almond tree also take residence there.

The home I mostly grew up in- from age 9 to 18

The Desert provides beautiful sunsets.

Aloe (?) Plant next door

The family with Grandpa and Grandma, saying goodbye.

Sunset from the plane going home. We saw some awesome clouds and light shows. Awesome.

Bye, California. See you soon, but not too soon. Come see us in beautiful Maryland, it's gorgeous here too. And home for me, finally.
