What I learned from Women's Conference

Okay. This is the last Women's Conference post! That is until I go to our Stake Women's Conference today and learn even more! Just kidding!

Women's Conference started off with a General Session where Relief Society President Julie B. Beck spoke to us. From Julie B. Beck, I learned that being worthy of receiving the Spirit and then following it's guidance is the most important job I can do as a woman. That is how I will know what I need to do or to change. That is how I will know how best to help my husband and children. That is how I will know how to serve best in my calling.

She said "feeling the Spirit is the Ultimate Education we can receive." She suggested essential, necessary and nice to do things in being worthy and receiving the Spirit. They are as follows:

-Spending some time in the scriptures each day.
-Praying several times a day, often with pen and paper, to hear His voice and record it.
-Renewing our baptismal covenants through taking the sacrament.
-Renewing our temple covenants.
-Express your testimony.
-Service: give all that you have.

-Cleaning the house to make it a nice place to stay and the Spirit can dwell there.
- Improving our talents.
-Reading and learning.
-Teach children to pray and walk uprightly. FHE. Recreation once a month.
-Self reliance.

Nice to do things:
-Lunch with friends, reading, crafting, exercise, blogs, etc.

Also, she mentioned don't work all three shifts. You get too tired. Find the most important time (for me it is 3 pm to 8 pm) and have energy for that. In the second shift like 12-3pm you can do the nice to do things, like check e-mail and blog, etc.

She also mentioned what is your mission? What are we on earth to do? I loved Julie B. Beck's talk! The other talks taught em about finding peace in the storms of life and how to not stress. They were all uplifting and wonderful!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

p.s. This is my 600th blog! If you leave a comment today, you will be entered into my give away. I will be giving away two Maryland postcards and some homemade cookies. Yum!


Unknown said…
okay the day is almost over and I have the only comment so far - does that mean i win? Love the advice too from Sis Beck!
Amber said…
Those are great points! Is sounds like you learned some valuable stuff (I'm glad you shared!)
Amber said…
Ps. It is only 10:30pm my time, I hope my comment still counts :)
Sarah said…
A great post. Great advice.