I've been manic. My Counselor Joe told me to just enjoy it. Enjoy being happy and full of energy, as long it doesn't explode on me. Yesterday it exploded. I was so full of energy that I had to get out of the house. I had to. I had already bathed the kids (well half of them-Josh did the other half), made cinnamon rolls, went for a walk with the family and I was ready to get out! It was 11 am and there was an Open House for a home right next to the temple down in D.C.
Now, we are not in the market for a home. Far from it. (Let's just say we bought our home in 2007 shall we?) But right after we moved here and I made a trip to the temple, I fell in love with five houses with a beautiful view of the temple. They are on a busy street, so not kid friendly but I was dying to see inside one of those homes! Especially after spending months looking for a home, these homes looked amazing!
Long story short, I went- it was locked. I looked in the windows and in the back yard. I loved it, but I came home to kids and shoes tumbling down the stairs while Josh was in the shower. I was grumpy. He was grumpy (and fasting) and things went down hill from there. Good thing we had Church soon. We were all able to cool off. Me, as I did service and taught Elizabeth's class on preparing for baptism. He, in Sunday School and Elders Quorom.
Just goes to show, it's good to enjoy being manic. Just don't go looking at houses that cost a good amount above the house you already live in- especially not when you already own a beautiful, gorgeous one of your own. Be content with what you have. Now.
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
I like how your counselor said to enjoy your "manic" state when you get it. Yes, high energy is great!Thanks for sharing..I love the new look on the blog. Love, Mom