Yesterday the kids were watching Dr. Seuss clips on youtube on the computer- Happy Be-lated Birthday, Dr. Seuss- which eventually turned into watching abc videos and the smurfs and care bears, so I turned on Oprah. I don't usually do that but Watching Oprah is on my list of 100 things that make me happy and I've made it a goal to do at least one thing from that list every day. I love some of the inspirational stories Oprah has on her show (ie. Stephanie Nielsen). Yesterday was no different. She focused on Roger Egbert, the famous film critic, who got cancer in 2006 and lost his voice and the bottom part of his mouth. He can no longer talk or eat, but he continues to be brave in the face of adversity and that's what I love. I love people who take trials, learn from them and grow. I love how he is positive and happy, even though he has had cancer.
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
side note: Elizabeth is sick today. Poor girl. Although we've made it through most of the winter without everyone getting sick all at once, so that is a good thing!
Also, welcome Baby Mitchell, born Feb 26, 2010, son of Larissa and Jon Nelson! We are so excited to have you in our family!
Plus, what did you guys think of the Olympics- awesome, huh? And the Bachelor? I can only express my opinion as thus: it's like a bag of potato chips- once I open the bag and eat one, I have to keep eating- even though it may not be good for me! It's okay once and a while- like every five years or so!
And-- our insurance came over to inspect the water damage to our house and they will be redoing a few water damaged boards in our wood floor and putting some new dry wall in the basement ceiling in the basement and cleaning our basement carpet. These are all good things! Yay!