I know I promised another installment of our love story, but I'll get to that later. I just wanted to write about how my session with Joe went today. It went really well. It's funny because most of the time he talks and I listen. He tells me about his other patients and asks me what to do about them. I guess I've been going to Counseling so long and since I am a good listener, he uses me for advice. Also, he says I'm normal 95-98% of the time and the few times I need him, I call but he's never there. We talked about blogging. He said that it would be neat if there was a blog, where all the people who felt like they weren't living up to their potential could go and cheer and support one another- like a big online therapy session or something. I think, in a way, we already do that. You know how popular blogs are with Mormon women- especially Mormon Moms. I mean, there is even a blog out there that makes fun of the whole craze (www.seriouslysoblessed.blogspot.com). He told me that it could be helpful if I made my blog more public and then was open about everything that I am going through. I am already pretty open to you guys. I did have clinical depression from March 2008- November 2008 and during that time I didn't really blog. But I couldn't talk about it. That's the thing about depression. It dulls your mind and I wasn't able to blog. Now I'm okay. Maybe I can blog about it now. Because I understand. I've been there. I know what it's like and I want to give others HOPE. Hope that there is normalcy after feeling like a 2 in the happiness scale of 1-10. For 6 months. I'm not at a 10, but I sure as heck am not at a 2. And I'm grateful for that. I always will be. What are your thoughts?
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.