Counseling Session

I just got back from an amazing Counseling session. For a little background, I feel a lot better taking lithium (It's a good mood stabilizer) but I still feel some anxiety and guilt over being a good Mom. I never knew why I felt this way and talking with Joe helped me realize why. It's because I feel that to be a good Mom, I have to totally focus on my kids 100% of the time. If I'm doing something else- say being online- I feel guilty after twenty minutes and the guilt just goes on from there. It's gotten so bad that I've neglected my hair, my clothes- I've even gained weight in the past because eating would help me forget the guilt that I felt. I would even go as far as saying these past two weeks I've felt bad for reading my scriptures in the morning because I could have been making school lunches, etc.

Now I know that a good Mom takes time for herself. I need to do that more often. I also need to not focus on pleasing others so much and be centered in myself. What do you do to take care of yourself and "fill" your own vessel? It's so true- if you don't fill your own vessel, you can't give of what you don't have.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Ellen said…
Such a good lesson we all have to learn. I think of it as the airplane oxygen principle. On airplanes, they always say to put your own oxygen mask on before helping your kids. If you pass out from lack of oxygen, you can't help anyone.
Boo said…
My mom always read the newspaper in the morning, and we weren't allowed to interrupt her. For me it's exercise. Whether by myself or with the kids, exercise seems both selfish and rejuvenating for me.