Wednesday Bi-Polar Day

I spent two and a half hours yesterday at a new psychiatrist yesterday. The dr. is Korean and all the other patients were Korean, spoke Korean, read Korean- it was really interesting. I want to learn chinese. I asked a lady the difference between written korean and written chinese. She told me that Korean has more circles. You learn something new each day!

The kind dr- Mrs. Kim. Dr. Kim prescribed my lithium. My nearest pharmacy currently was out of lithium so I have to get some later today at another place. The name "lithium" slightly scares me, but I'm willing to try any medicine that doesn't make me gain 4 pounds a week (which Zyprexa has). With Zyprexa I am hungry all the time- I mean all the time- and when I work out I don't have enough energy to even walk for 15 minutes. The dr. will work on tapering off the zyprexa in 2.5 weeks.

Life is interesting as always. Love, Megan
