A few inspiring quotes

"True strength comes from leaning on the Lord." I love this quote. When times all of a sudden become hard, we can turn to Christ and He will help us bear the burden we are called upon to bear. I know this has happened in my life and once I've seen it happen, it's easier for me to rely on Him the next time something happens as well.

'Lift where you stand." President Uchdorf. To me this means to do my part, albeit how small or insignificant it seems to me- just do what I am supposed to do and then all will be well.

This probably means turning the tv off for the kids right now and playing with them, which I'll go do now! This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Jen said…
I agree, once you've been through the experience of getting help and strength from the Lord in a tough time, it's easier to count on that again. That seems important somehow.