Hospital, part 2

So, I went to the hospital yesterday, so the dr. could monitor my meds there. I was quite manic and enjoyed myself the whole time. They upped my medicine. What can I say? I enjoyed learning more about their php program there. It did take work and I did cry during their grief and loss session. I had a classmate die during Thanksgiving break when I was at BYU ten years ago. It hit me pretty hard, and I guess I still haven't gotten over it. I gotta go help Elizabeth get ready for school.

Chow, Megan Rose


Laura said…
Tim was diagnosed bipolar a few years ago, although now they aren't sure if he's bipolar or just ADD, since the bipolar meds didn't work at all for him but the ADD meds work great. Just know you're not alone!
Sarah said…
I hope you get it all figured out and they figure out what works for you. Sounds like quite an adventure with all the different meds, doctor visits, and hospital visits.