My Depression and the Inauguration '09

I went to see my Psychiatrist, Dr. Joshi, in Baltimore, Mayland today. I mentioned to him that I wanted to stop taking my medication (for personal reasons! You can e-mail me and ask me if you want to!). He replied that that was NOT a good idea. He said that my brain does not make enough seratonin. Lexapro does not give me seratonin, but helps my brain produce it. He said I should be on it for six months (I've been on it for three, so three more to go) and then we can start reducing it then. If I start having a hard time, then I will go back on it for next winter and try to go off of it next summer. Some people have to stay on it all their lives, but I don't feel that I will be one of these people. I want to still have more babies, and you cannot get pregnant on this medication. This seems to be a longer recovery than I originally planned, but I am giving myself until Dec. 2010 to work on this Depression and make more decisions from that point on. Thank you to all who have prayed for me during this period in my life. Now, I get to always check the "Depression" box under family or past health history! My next appointment is in three months, so I'll let you know more about that then!

Congratulations on President Barack Obama for becoming the new President of the United States! No, I didn't vote for you, and yes, I am a little reticent on your policies and staff members, but I am excited for our country and for those people that this change may help!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.

See www./ for an article on the Church's leaders at the Inauguration


Anonymous said…
it might be helpful to look into other depression medications. some work with pregnancy. i was on one (i can't remember the name right now) while i was pregnant with Peter, and it made for a great pregnancy.