It's Official!

Elizabeth is officially in kindergarten now! She has been very excited to go to school. Last night we lost electrical power and I thought "Oh, no! Not on the first day of school!" My plans of a pancake breakfast and of Elizabeth getting ready happily turned into worries of a stressful start to a potentially stressful day anyway. As I crawled into bed with Elizabeth to comfort her, we talked a little and later she gave me a hug and said "I love you, Mom. I'm excited to go to school." Luckily the power came back on right at 7 am- when they all get up. What a blessing!

What more could I have asked for, the night before she was about to leave home for school- all day kindergarten - than such a comforting moment. I knew she loved me and I knew that she was ready to do something new. She's ready! I was not going to cry, but when I saw another Mom in tears over their Kindergartener, I couldn't help it. I'm going to miss this girl!

Already this morning, the boys were asking to go outside. Elizabeth hardly ever wants to go outside. She likes to read and color. The boys usually follow her lead. Now, we'll be spending a lot more time climbing trees and yielding stick swords!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Boo said…
I love sending my boys outside to play. I get a lot done inside, and they come back happy and covered in dirt.
Unknown said…
Great picture! What fun for her but crazy that your oldest is starting kindergarten - many more to go! How did her first day go?