Two years ago

Two years ago, we were living in Eastgate Townhomes, in South Provo. Elizabeth was three, the boys were one and Asher was a little bump in my belly. Here, Elizabeth is playing Candyland with Josh. It's funny that she still loves that game. She's playing right now. Right now, we are living in Montgomery County, Maryland, in an older, but new to us home and she is playing an older and slightly more used Candy Land Game in our retro carpeted basement downstairs. She is five, still not in school, the boys are three, still in diapers, and Asher is talking up a storm lately.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Sarah said…
Amazing all that can happen in just two years, eh?
Hilary said…
the boys are still in diapers? you haven't cut them off yet?!
Laura said…
I miss those old days. It was so fun to have friends like you so close. When you plan your trip out here plan a minute to meet up and say hi! We would love it!