Real Life Deep Thoughts

This is what some of my morning was like today, in Deep Thought format:

"I really don't think it's a good idea to go to a do-it-yourself car wash in January when the temperature is below freezing, because then you will see icicles hanging off of the car wash hose, the water and soap that you didn't get finished rinsing off because you were so cold will turn into icicles as you drive away, and overall it would just be a plain stinky experience."

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Jen said…
we found a gas station that gives free car washes IF you buy on Wednesday IF you get at least 8 gallons and IF you use your chevron card. It's not do-it-yourself, but it also gets big heavy icicles on everything. I love the "deep thoughts" format, by the way.