Potty Training Successes!

About a month and a half ago, I cut the boys off from all diapers and pull-ups. This resulted in screaming and kicking and yelling. A basic power-struggle. After four days I decided to call it quits. Since then, I dropped the issue completely for about three weeks and have been gradually re-introducing the potty subject.

I started out by putting out the potty seat again and letting them have access to the underwear. They would play with the underwear and make messes with them, so I promptly put them back away. Then, I set up a chart for Ethan and told him that he gets stickers each time he goes potty. He has about four or five stickers on the chart right now.

This morning I was getting ready and I heard and enthusiastic yell "Mommy! I put my poops in the potty!" Ahh, what glorious words! Instead of "I'm poopy, Mom." with a sad face, it was "I did it! Just like Elizabeth does!" Hooray! for Ethan! A potty success!

The next open weekend that I have, which is February 26th, I am going to throw a little potty party for him and we'll do away with the pull-ups once and for all. This time it will only be Ethan and this time it will stick! Yeah for potty successes!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Unknown said…
Congrats Ethan (: