Tag/ Facts about me

Thanks for the tag, Lariss- I'm not sure exactly what the rules of this tag are, but from my reading I got the understanding of "Top six facts" that you never knew about me. So, here goes:

Fact #1. When I was 6 I was almost trampled on by run away donkey. (ie. Daisy- my grandpa's donkey in Idaho)

Fact #2. When I was on my mission in Spain, someone threw eggs at us. (they missed! haha!)

Fact #3. I am a twin. I have twins and I haven't decided whether I would like twins again or not.

Fact #4. I let my kids watch tv when they are driving me crazy and I want to go online. (ie. right now)

Fact #5. I'm addicted to shopping. Good thing we don't have a lot of money, or it would be all gone anyway!

Fact #6. I hate going to school, even though I taught third grade for a year. I thought being the teacher would make school more fun. It doesn't. I do love reading and writing though. hmmm..

I previously forgot to tag other people, but these people consider yourselves tagged: Laura, Tammy, Rebecca E., Jami.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Laura said…
Hi! I have no idea what tagging is so if you can explain it to me, that would be great. And as for appropriate topics, you know that I am a really open person and I think that if you are comfortable with it, hey, it's your blog. Good luck!
Unknown said…
Hey Meg - the rules were at the beginning of my tag on my blog(: so you can pass them on