My "night away"

I normally don't blog on Sunday, but I just recently got my back from my "night away" and wanted to write about my ideas while they are fresh in my mind.
To start the day off, I headed to CVS to buy the kids each a small present for puttin up with their Daddy so long. I ended up with princess stickers, spider-man stickers, superman stickers and a stack of very cute cards I just happened to pick up to read and then proceeded to buy. I stopped off at Sears, which is close to the hotel to check out their Saturday sale, tried on some clothes, but decided to not spend any more money and left for the hotel. Oh, I also stopped at Trader Joe's for some Pasta and sauce and Toblerone- the makings of my dinner for that night.
After cooking and eating and reading some of my mission journal- I had packed three journals, two co-dependency books, The Kite Runner and an Oprah Magazine for my trip- I decided that I was tired and ready for bed. I looked at the clock. It said 6 pm. Daylight savings time even, which would have amounted to five pm standard time. Right then and there I made a decision about my life. I have too many things on my plate. You know that you are running yourself ragged when you sit down in a quiet place and all you can think about it sleep. I was supposed to be analyzing myself, finding out who I am and all I could think was "Why can I close my eyes and sleep?"
This lead to the hard decision of what to cut out of my life to make my life easier. The answer came down to Joy School. I called Josh and we talked about it and decided that I would talk to the girl in charge today at Church about this being our last week- I'm teaching by the way. It's kind of sad, but that's what I need to do to be okay. Also, I have decided to not take on any projects or anything big for a while. At least until I am done with this counseling stuff. It takes a lot more time and energy than I thought.
To make a long story short, I eventually fell asleep- a nice bath, a part of a movie and some more reading later. I woke up earlier in the morning, decided to go see a Doctor about my non sleeping ablilities, since no child was there to wake me up and I still woke up anyways- and wrote and wrote and wrote about my life plans, goals, little items of business, etc. See future blogs for details.
When I came home, I had never seen such lovelier faces than those of my family. I had given all the kidsa bath before I left, so they looked pink and shiny and cute- all dressed to go to Church. What a great blessing they are to me in my life! Thank you, Heavenly Father!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott


Joanie said…
Megan...thank you for sharing your struggles. I did not realize you were so sleep deprived. And yes, I knew at the outset I could never do Joy School when you kids were little.It was too structured. Too much pressure. Oh, and if I had to do it over, I would never have babysat for money. We lost 1-2 years of precious bedtime closeness, because we had our neighbor's kids in the house until late at night. (Bremerton years.)It wasn't worth the little money I earned. Megan, I love that you are so introspective and making changes.
Joanie said…
Mom...Good Sleep is result of consistent habits....your body establishes a rhythm. You can help it establish a rhythm. Lots of research lately in his area. One thing: Get plenty of sunlight in the morning. It sets your hormones up for later good sleep. Interesting, huh? Love, mom do have a challenge with the boys waking the middle of the night. But it is solvable! Believe!
Anonymous said…
I don't know if you have started the Kite Runner yet but I don't recommend reading it. My book club read it and I thought it was very intense and sad. There are good lessons and interesting things that it addresses but I didn't feel they were presented in a very uplifting way.