Crazy Picture Thursday

Here's my crazy picture for today: it was taken at Hogle Zoo in April. We need to go to the National Zoo here someday! Sorry for not posting yesterday. Asher has decided to out-grow his morning nap. This is tragic for me! Where once I had a good hour to myself to get ready and check e-mail and blog while the kids watched two shows- yeah, I know it's a lot- but you gotta do what you gotta do! Now, I have a busy active toddler knocking over my newly bought pen organizer, knocking down my framed pictures and even scribbling with pencil on the monitor screen.
I am now forced to blog during their nap time at 1 pm. Although currently the boys are talking up a storm and Elizabeth is five, so she doesn't really nap anyways and is prone to start talking to the boys through her door.
So, I'll finish this blog and go sit in the boys room, to help them be quiet. If I have to even lay down in Jonah's bed to get them to take a nap, so be it! I need a little peace and quiet around this house!
My name is Megan Abbott. This is my blog.


The Favorite said…
Megan! I am so glad that I found your blog. I had the wrong address. That picture of all of you is so cute. Elizabeth looks like a fun five year old, the twins aren't babies as I remembered them, plus your new boy I have yet to meet is so handsome. Great blog! (Eliza)