Editorial Error

This is to inform the reader that the blog site mentioned early should actually have read: http://www.typetive.com/ and look under the candy blog site, not www.candyblog.com. Thank you for your patience.

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Anonymous said…
Thanks, Megan! That was a fun site, except that I really want chocolate now, and we don't have any.

I enjoy all the pictures you put on here.

Anonymous said…
Love the blog! Laris and I were wondering about the candy corn kisses. I just realized that I probably won't get ANY Halloween candy this year, and I already crave candy corn. Boohoo. Love ya ~Amy
Anonymous said…
Love the blog! Laris and I were wondering about the candy corn kisses. I just realized that I probably won't get ANY Halloween candy this year, and I already crave candy corn. Boohoo. Love ya ~Amy