Bedroom Pictures

When Josh removed the 80's wallpaper, we found this note written underneath: "Jack McDermott (the owners we bought the home from) 7/29/87" Twenty years ago! We knew it! We knew it was twenty years old! Josh painted our room a "classic taupe" color. We had decided between classic taupe and wild porcini (what is that anyways?) We had not decided on a final color, so Josh got the wild porcini. After one wall, I looked at it and did not like it. We got classic taupe and it was so much better. Who would have known that two shades so similar would come out so different? He painted the windows sills white also, which is nice.

Now we need a headboard, a chair and some curtains. Our budget is rapidly dwindling though, so I don't know how much we'll do! Josh came home last night at 10 to 7. I taught Joy School that morning and was so tired by 6 pm, that we watched the first episode of season one of The Muppet Show. That brightened by day.
This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.


Anonymous said…
hey how old did they tell you your home was?