What do you do?

Christmas two years ago!

What do you do when all three boys don't want to take a nap or have quiet time? We had Happy Meals on Friday, while Josh was away at New York (pictures pending) and the lady gave me four girl my little ponies and four transformer things- like each child needs a toy of each?I tried to return them, but they said "Well, they are for you." and I felt bad returning something someone gave me. So I gifted two away and now the boys are busily combing the hair of the pink ponies with their light on, instead of reading in bed. They wouldn't do that if Elizabeth was home- she would tease them. Asher hears them playing loudly and wants to play too. Maybe they'll go to be early tonight!

Thanks, Larissa for the info! I'll work on it right now!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Abbott.
